Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school C. Reyes Católicos, 29, 1ª A, 03003 Alicante

Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school

44 Resenas
  • miércoles8:30–18:30
  • jueves8:30–18:30
  • viernes8:30–18:30
  • sábadoCerrado
  • domingoCerrado
  • lunesCerrado
  • martes8:30–18:30
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school C. Reyes Católicos, 29, 1ª A, 03003 Alicante

Acerca del Negocio

The best Spanish School in Alicante | Estudio Sampere | Looking for a Spanish school in Alicante? Join Estudio Sampere Courses, and learn Spanish from experts and experience this beautiful sea resort


C. Reyes Católicos, 29, 1ª A, 03003 Alicante


  • miércoles8:30–18:30
  • jueves8:30–18:30
  • viernes8:30–18:30
  • sábadoCerrado
  • domingoCerrado
  • lunesCerrado
  • martes8:30–18:30


  • Aparcamiento adaptado para sillas de ruedas

Resenas recomendadas

Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school
You are promised minu-groups before signing the contract, they tell you and give the brochure where it is indicated that the groups are maximum 9people. but there are 15-20 students in reality. There are 25 people in our group now. Imagine how much time you get... It's better to pay a bit more but choose another school.Disappointed.The most active part of our group (it's about 7 people), has complained several times already, bit no use.Update.When my husband and I have finally met the principal face-to-face, after one hour talking she agreed that it's necessary to divide the group. And she did in just 3 days (!). I am so grateful to Belen, thank you for polite conversation and thank you that give us opportunity to learn Spanish. Our teacher Lourdes was also very supportive. Thank you, guys.
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school
My kids took a week long immersion class which was simply FABULOUS! The school is truly run by caring professionals. Carlos, who responded to my initial email queries, based in Salamanca, was prompt and thorough and connected to me the super Director Belen at the Alicante location.Belen is a kind and flexible person who told me to see how the first day went before committing for the week - as one of the my kids didn’t have a group signed up for her level. Belen made sure the kids were comfortable, engaged and had also participated in many activities offered by the School like tours of the market, castle and beach time with other students. It was a memorable and positive experience!HUGE thanks also to the young and energetic teachers Ivan, Elena, … (? Missing a few additional names)..Our only regret… it was a short session only. We will be back again next year for sure!Muchas Gracias por todos.
Askja .03
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school
I studied at Estudio Sampere" for two weeks this summer. Unfortunately I was very disappointed overall.Contrary to the promise on the Internet
Luca Rossato
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school
Mio fratello ha soggiornato ad Alicante per cinque settimane grazie ai programmi di studio estivi di Estudio Sampere e ha vissuto un'esperienza unica. La scuola è molto organizzata e segue i ragazzi con molta premura e professionalità. Ha migliorato notevolmente il suo spagnolo grazie alla lezioni molto interattive dei docenti e all'ottima offerta formativa della scuola. Inoltre, Estudio Sampere organizza tutti i giorni attività molto interessanti per il tempo libero (attività di spiaggia, visite culturali, escursioni...). Nulla da eccepire nemmeno sulla sistemazione in famiglia.Consiglio caldamente Estudio Sampere a chiunque sia desideroso di imparare lo spagnolo in loco.
Samira Makrane
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school
No cumplen con los candidatos, tienen profesores sin experiencia la reclamación la estoy preparando para no vacilar a las personas ciegas y discapacidades estáis en el estado para adaptar no mentir y vacilar.
Anton B. (Antonio)
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school
В декабре 2022 г, когда я пришёл в Sampere я и поверить не мог, что смогу разговаривать на Испанском. Ведь я толком не знал даже как будет по Испански - привет.Да, пусть это уровень А1, но я никуда не тороплюсь. Главное, что я перешагнул многие барьеры и иду уверенно вперёд.Многие учителя в школе хорошие и интересные.Есть несколько учителей, которых хочется отдельно поблагодарить за знания, это: обе Марии, Нурия, Сабрина, Альваро, Ана и др.Отличный рецепшн: Nacho, Svetlana, Stanislav :)Несомненно для тех, кто идёт учить язык с самого 0 это хороший старт.Помимо школы нужно самому работать над языком!Полезные приложения:ConjuGato - лучшее приложение по спряжениям.Reverso context - хороший переводчикПосмотрите 16 уроков Полиглот Петров.Это хороший старт: Обязательно купите учебник если вы заточены на учёбу, а не потому что вы здесь из-за визы.Из просьб к руководству школы!!!Обязательно на экзамене нужно записывать (оральную часть) на аудио и разбирать его потом на уроке.Так как не до конца ясна система оценки разговорной части. (Если вы чувствуете, что можете говорить, а учитель на экзамене занизил/а вам оценку - Просите встречи с методистом и доказывайте свои знания. Я доказал, что мой Орал лучше, чем был на промежуточном экзамене.Также: Нет ничего плохого в том если вы останетесь повторно на тот же курс. Если вы не сдали промежуточный экзамен или если чувствуете, что хотите ещё раз его пройти.Не торопитесь бежать вперёд.Важно быть уверенным, что вы со своими знаниями можете идти вперёд.Планы:Сдать DELE в Ноябре.Продолжить обучение в SampereИз полезного еще:Валюту я покупаю через брокера Aktiv(.)ru самые низкие комиссии по покупке euro/dollar etc.Тщательно выбирайте юриста, который поможет вам с визой.Не забудьте сняться с воинского учета в России, чтобы в будущем не платить большие штрафы, см. Фз-404Если ты прочитал/а мой отзыв и он тебе понравился я буду признателен твоей оценке ниже.Благодарю за внимание, Антон
Danuta Cebula
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school
En octubre 2018 participé en un curso intensivo de 4 semanas en la escuela Estudio Sampere de Alicante y eso fue una experiencia muy buena. Las clases fueron interesantes, no solo por su contenido temático, sino también por su diversidad. Mis conocimientos de español se han mejorado sensiblemente y la misma ciudad - tanto por su vestigios y monumentos históricos y arquitectónicos como por su ambiente muy acogedor - me ha encantado perdurablemente.La recomiendo sinceramente.
bronte palmer
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school
I had an amazing time during my time at this Spanish language school. I met an amazing group of people who now, over 2 years later, I am still in contact with. I really enjoyed the extra activities that the school organised for us, for example going to the beach daily to do water activities as it was really fun and something I hadn't previously tried. Other fun and interesting extra activities included going on tours around Alicante, visiting other amazing places nearby, travelling on the trains to get there and back and going to restaurants together. I really enjoyed the structure of each day with the extra activities in the morning, then classes in the afternoon. I also liked how they let us leave for lunch and gave us the freedom that they did, but also some time to interact with the other students and explore the beautiful Alicante a little bit as well. The only thing I slightly struggled with was the communication with my host mum and she didn't speak any English and at the time I also had very little Spanish, so that made my experience more difficult.
Mokhtar Milano
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school
Charley Workman
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school
Estudio Sampere has been providing Spanish language instruction for over 60 years. This particular location is in a wonderful area close to the beach. There are all sorts of activities available and field trips you can take. Classes are taught in Spanish with small groups. You can choose to live with a family while studying there. The staff is always ready to help you learn and while you do so in an international environment. There are students from all over the world. I studied with Estudio Sampere in the summer of 1998 as an undergraduate with very little confidence and returned as the director of a university study abroad group several years later bringing students every summer for 20 years. The administration and teachers have always maintained an absolute commitment to quality instruction and can satisfy any specific need you have for Spanish. Upon completion of your course(s) you will not only have reached your goals, but also have a great understanding of Spain and it's wonderful people and culture. This experience will be life enriching as it has been for so many. I am not only witness but also a product of Estudio Sampere. Please visit and see what they have to offer.

Anadir Resena


C. Reyes Católicos, 29, 1ª A, 03003 Alicante
Estudio Sampere Alicante - Spanish language school