CEIP Balcó de Finestrat Av. Sevilla, 8, 03509 Finestrat, Alicante

CEIP Balcó de Finestrat

11 Resenas
CEIP Balcó de Finestrat Av. Sevilla, 8, 03509 Finestrat, Alicante

Acerca del Negocio



Sitio Web
Av. Sevilla, 8, 03509 Finestrat, Alicante



  • Acceso para sillas de ruedas
  • Aparcamiento adaptado para sillas de ruedas

Resenas recomendadas

CEIP Balcó de Finestrat
If you love your child and want him/her to have a good psychological state, avoid sending them to this school.Principal and some staff are incompetent and do not have any desire or motivation to deal with obvious problems like bullying and use of faul language by kids. (in one month my child learned more curse words than I did in my entire life.)Any reports of bullying is regarded by staff as the problem of a child, language barrier or whatever; it is never a problem of a teacher or a school (they will always come up with explanation why it is not school's problem).
Marco Granda
CEIP Balcó de Finestrat
Porque tenemos naturaleza pura.

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Av. Sevilla, 8, 03509 Finestrat, Alicante
CEIP Balcó de Finestrat