Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez Passatge Pau Benazet, 6, 1° 2ª, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona

Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez

78 Resenas
  • miércoles9:00–20:30
  • jueves9:00–20:30
  • viernes9:00–20:30
  • sábado9:00–20:30
  • domingoCerrado
  • lunesCerrado
  • martes9:00–20:30
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez Passatge Pau Benazet, 6, 1° 2ª, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona

Acerca del Negocio

Masajes y Osteópata Sitges | Masajes Sitges, Osteópata Sitges, Osteopatía SitgesMasaje Sitges , Masajes Sitges, Osteópata Sitges, Osteopatía Sitges


Passatge Pau Benazet, 6, 1° 2ª, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona


  • miércoles9:00–20:30
  • jueves9:00–20:30
  • viernes9:00–20:30
  • sábado9:00–20:30
  • domingoCerrado
  • lunesCerrado
  • martes9:00–20:30


  • Acceso para sillas de ruedas
  • Aparcamiento adaptado para sillas de ruedas
  • Se necesita cita
  • Ascensor adaptado para sillas de ruedas

Resenas recomendadas

David Johnston
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez
I was recommended to visit Sergio by a friend who rated him highly. Best massage I’ve had using a combination of styles - clearly understands the body and felt amazing after. Returned twice during my stay and really benefited from a regular visit. Can’t recommend highly enough and a thoroughly nice guy and great service. Thank you!
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez
Originally from Paris. Went to Sergio’s for the first time today for a full body massage and I had a wonderful time. Nice office. Very quiet place. Good technique. Very professional and caring. I’d definitely go bck when I have an opportunity.
Steve Burns
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez
Sergio not only offers an incredible massage time after time but he does so in a warm understanding way that leaves you feeling refreshed energized and appreciated.
Екатерина Финько
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez
Sergio is a great masseur and also is a very nice person. It is always great to talk to him during sessions and if you need a quiet moment he will give it to you respectfully. I always feel relaxed after sessions
Javier Macias
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez
Having been attending Sergio for years I can honestly say that you won’t get a better massage. With the correct pressure Sergio knows exactly the right areas to work on. I am continuously impressed by the professional and attentive care he provides each time I go. Needless to say I would highly recommend Sergio!!Después de haber asistido con Sergio durante años, puedo decir honestamente que no recibirás un mejor masaje. Con la presión correcta, Sergio sabe exactamente las áreas correctas en las que trabajar. Estoy continuamente impresionado por la atención profesional y atenta que brinda cada vez que voy. No hace falta decir que recomendaría ampliamente a Sergio.
Stella Lorenz
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez
I had two sessions with Sérgio so far, a massage and an osteopathic treatment. Both sessions were marvellous experiences, as Sérgio is very skillful and has a mindful, caring presence.I recommend him warmly!
Silvia Texido Viyuela
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez
Hace ya varios años que me visito con Sergi por problemas de espalda y no podría recomendar más su consulta. Es un gran profesional, pero cercano y agradable, lo que siempre ayuda a que el ambiente sea aún más relajado.Tiene mucha experiencia que se nota en el cuidado con el que te trata y el conocimiento que tiene tanto de técnicas de masaje como tratamientos más enfocados a osteopatía. Un familiar mío también lo visita por su artritis reumatoide y Sergio la ha ayudado mucho a controlar y reducir el dolor.La verdad es que estamos encantados.
James Graham
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez
Sergio is warm and welcoming and I think that was possibly the best massage I've ever had. I walked out of there feeling younger, taller and much more relaxed.He also identified my problem and showed me some stretches I had not heard of before.My partner saw Sergio too and said he was exceptional.Would highly recommend anyone to see Sergio
Charlotta Törneling
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez
Very good and professional massage and osteopath. Happy to come back after two years and find Sergio still providing his excellent services!

Anadir Resena


Passatge Pau Benazet, 6, 1° 2ª, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona
Masaje Sitges - Osteopatía Sitges - Sergio Sánchez