Vilardell Abogados Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 752, 08013 Barcelona

Vilardell Abogados

2 Resenas
Vilardell Abogados Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 752, 08013 Barcelona

Acerca del Negocio

Vilardell Abogados y consultores - Barcelona | El Bufete VILARDELL ABOGADOS Y CONSULTORES es un despacho formado por un grupo de abogados y colaboradores con más de 15 años de ejercicio en la profesión y especializados en diversos campos jurídicos y económicos, cuyo objetivo es el de ofrecer un asesoramiento jurídico-económico integral a empresas y particulares.


Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 752, 08013 Barcelona



  • Acceso para sillas de ruedas
  • Aseo adaptado para sillas de ruedas
  • Aseos

Resenas recomendadas

Fai Goodarzi
Vilardell Abogados
Literally the best firm for both accounting and corporate law. Owned by hardworking siblings that you can rely on. You get a subscription with this firm, then boom things start getting better! They are proactive and advice you about things u had zero clue of and try to save you money with your businessUnlike so many other lawyers in Spain i have tried working with different firms where you only pay lots of money and get poor services and advices or no advices.Id recommend this firm specially if you’re not spanish and own a business in Spain!Anyhow they were recommended to me by someone that referred to them as “its their bread and butter, they’ll solve your problems”

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Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 752, 08013 Barcelona
Vilardell Abogados